
  • Feel Free to Request any academic eBook, Videos Series, lectures or any other Scientific, Academic or Research materials.
  • Requesting eBooks is offered also for Academic Non-Medical fields of study as well (like Engineering, Chemistry, Literature, Social Sciences..etc).
  • Request fulfillment including premium users requests depends on our current resources, we try our best to help all researchers using our request service with high priority for premium users whenever possible and using our resources, however we take no responsibility for any unsolved request and we cannot be held responsible for not fulfilling premium users requests in case we couldn’t solve them regardless of presented claim by the user like saying “the eBook is available in this store, you can buy it to solve my request”, we don’t work in such way, we do buy from stores but only rare titles and when absolutely necessary, otherwise we would not be able to recover expenses. Using resources and/or buying requested materials from publishers or stores to fulfil a user’s request including premium requests would be decided at our own discretion.
  • The price of the ebooks that you requested could be higher than normal, so we will offer our price first for you to decide if you really want to buy from us.

Written by 

551 Replies to “Requests”

    Stuttering: Foundations and Clinical Applications, 2nd edition
    by Ehud H. Yairi,‎ Carol H. Seery (Author)

    1. Hi, this ebook is only available in paperback version, you can see this information on amazon, there is no ebook format released by the publisher.

    1. This ebook hasn’t released yet, only paperback is available now.

  2. hi can you get this
    ISBN-13: 978-1118962763

      1. ramesh kumar t s says:

        Acing the Pancreaticobiliary Questions on the GI Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource 1st Edition

    1. The book seems only available in paperback version, there is no ebook available.

  3. Hi, I need Neligan, Plastic Surgery 2017. Please post it so I can buy it ASAP.

  4. can i ask for a price only? i want to decide if i will buy another book without requesting it yet

  5. Jame osborn says:

    i paid for 2 account uptodate 1 year (48$)
    Please check mail !

    1. Check your email also, we sent email to you.

  6. Hello,
    1. Obstetrics & Gynecology Morning Report Beyond the Pearls (PDF)
    2. The APRN’s Complete Guide to Prescribing Drug Therapy 2019 (PDF)

    Thank you

  7. How long does it typically take until you upgrade the points?

    1. Hi, we just added points to your account. Enjoy dear friend!

  8. Hi. I’m looking for Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 32nd ed.

  9. Hello,
    Pathophysiology, 6e 6th Edition by Jacquelyn L. Banasik PhD ARNP ISBN-13: 978-0323354813
    Thank you

  10. Hello,
    1. USMLE Step 2 CS Complex Cases: Challenging Cases for Advanced Study (USMLE Prep) 4th Edition by Kaplan Medical
    2. USMLE Step 2 CS Lecture Notes 2018: Patient Cases + Proven Strategies (Kaplan USMLE Step 2 Cs Prep) (Kaplan Test Prep) Second Edition
    Thank you

  11. Comprehensive Review of Pediatric Anesthesiology 2017 PDF & Videos
    Practical Reviews in Anesthesiology MP3 & PDF 2017

  12. Hi. want to request:

    OST: Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES: Volume 1: Core Clinical Skills

    OST: Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES: Volume 2: History-Taking, Communication and Ethics


    1. Those books are only available in paperback version, there is no ebook version released by the publisher!

  13. May I request “MRCS Basic Science for the MRCS 3rd Edition” please

  14. Request: Davis Advantage Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring 2nd Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0803659421

    1. This book is only available in paperback (hardcover) version, there is no ebook format available!

  15. ramesh5889 says:

    Gastroenterology Clinical Focus: High yield GI and hepatology review, for boards and practice

    1. This book is only available in paperback version, there is no ebook format released.

  16. ramesh5889 says:

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy Hardcover – Import, 24 Jan 2018

  17. briday0508 says:

    Requesting: Cole, M.B., & Tufano, R. (2008). Applied Theories in Occupational Therapy: A Practical Approach.
    Slack Inc.

    ISBN:  10 1‐55642‐573‐2   

    1. This book is only available as paperback version, there is no ebook format released yet.

      1. briday0508 says:

        Thank you for checking. Any word on the others?

        1. We will buy and upload the Thieme Anatomy soon. Please wait for some days.

          1. briday0508 says:

            Thank you.

  18. briday0508 says:

    Requesting: Boyt Schell, B. A., Gillen, G., & Scaffa, M. E. (2014) Willard & Spackman’s Occupational Therapy
    (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 

    o ISBN: 978‐1451110807  

  19. briday0508 says:

    Cronin, A., & Mandich, M. B. (2015) Human development and performance throughout the 
    lifespan (2nd Ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
    o ISBN: 978‐1133951193  

    1. briday0508 says:

      This is the most important book I am looking for in PDF. Will you get it?

  20. briday0508 says:

    Gilroy, A. M., MacPherson, B. R., Ross, L. M., Schünke, M., Schulte, E., & Schumacher, U. (2016). 
    Atlas of anatomy (3rd ed.). New York: Thieme.  

    ISBN: 978‐1626232525 

  21. briday0508 says:

    I am still waiting on the other two books I have requested. Will those be made available?

  22. Ayumuitoe says:

    McCarthy’s Introduction to Health Care Delivery: A Primer for Pharmacists 6th edition
    ISBN: 978-1284094107

  23. Requesting “Prepare for the MRCS: Key articles from the Surgery Journal” SERIES

    – General Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS: Key articles from the Surgery Journal
    – Basic Surgical Principles: Prepare for the MRCS: Key articles from the Surgery Journal
    – Vascular and Cardiothoracic Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS: Key articles from the Surgery Journal
    – Renal and Transplant Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS: Key articles from the Surgery Journal
    – Orthopaedic Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS: Key articles from the Surgery Journal
    – Critical Illness and Emergency Surgery: Prepare for the MRCS: Key articles from the Surgery Journal

    preferred format – PDF

  24. Do you have any Becker step 2 guideMD course and review books?
    ISBN: 978-1943628209


    1. Sorry we don’t have it now.

  25. briday0508 says:


    Human development and performance throughout the lifespan (2nd Ed.)

    ISBN: 978‐1133951193

  26. ramesh5889 says:

    Self Assessment Colour Review of Gastroenterology
    Front Cover
    Alastair Forbes, Norman H. Gilinsky

    1. This book seems only available in paperback version, there is no ebook format available.

  27. Hello,

    Requesting, The Doctors In Training PANCE & PANRE Video Review Course

    Thank you,

    1. This book is not available as ebook format, only paperback version was released.

    A Photographic Atlas for Anatomy & Physiology, 1st Edition
    by Nora Hebert (Author), Ruth Heisler (Author), Jett Chinn (Author), Karen Krabbenhoft (Author), Olga Malakhova (Author)

    1. This book seems only available in paperback version, there is no ebook format.

  29. Would like to request for: MRCS Part A – Essential Revision Notes – BOOK 2 – PasTest

    1. This book is only available as paperback version, there is no ebook format.

  30. zoofru220 says:

    would like to request this ebook isbn : 978-1451193206
    thank you

    1. Hi as you could see when click the link above, it noticed “This title is not currently available for purchase” !

      1. Here it is showing up as available.

        1. Check again your email for more details!

  31. hibernator says:

    Do you able to get this Internal Medicine Board Review – Video Series ?

    1. Which series dear friend ? Could you give us more information.

      1. I bought more points, waiting for the release of the points to be able to download this book. I’m waiting for the other book as well. Thank you.

        1. The points have been added to your account!

  32. Praisery08 says:

    Do you have the updated Boards and Beyond Series with Pathology, Psychiatry and Dermatology?

  33. REQUEST: First Aid for the Family Medicine Boards, Third Edition. Preferably PDF but EPUB okay as well.

  34. REQUEST: First Aid for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship, Fourth Edition. (Preferably PDF)

  35. brigham or harvard critical care review 2018 videos

    1. There is no such 2018 critical series available from the official website.

  36. Requesting –

    Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Medical Physiology Q&A
    Publication Date: December 2017
    Print ISBN:9781626233843
    E-Book ISBN:9781626233850

  37. Requesting –

    Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Learning Pharmacology through Clinical Cases

    Publication Date: January 2018
    Print ISBN:9781626234239
    E-Book ISBN:9781626234246

  38. REQUEST: Clinical Cardiology Made Ridiculously Simple (Rapid Learning and Retention Through the Medmaster) 5th Edition (PDF)
    Series: Rapid Learning and Retention Through the Medmaster
    Publisher: MedMaster Inc; 5 edition (September 15, 2018)

    Just PDF is fine. Interactive CD-ROM optional.

    1. These books are only available as paperback version, there is no ebook format released.

      1. Ah okay, thanks for looking into it!

  39. REQUEST: USMLE Step 3 Lecture Notes 2017-2018: 2-Book Set (USMLE Prep) PDF

      1. Hi,
        Thanks for the ebook! I was wondering if you have the color version of the original publisher pdf. Thanks once again!

        1. It’s the only version from the publisher dear friend

      1. Please check your email and feedback to us!

  40. Xtreme_151 says:

    Request: USMLE Step 2 CS Lecture Notes 2018: Patient Cases + Proven Strategies

    1. This book have no ebook version available, only paperback!

  41. ramesh5889 says:

    Difficult Cases in Jaundice dr philip abraham

    1. This book have no ebook version available, only paperback!

  42. gastrointestinal disease endoscopic approach 2nd edition dimirano

    1. This book is only available as paperback version, there is no ebook available.

  43. Xtreme_151 says:

    Dear Admin, Can you help me with this books: The Successful Match 2017: Rules for Success in the Residency Match

    1. This book is only available in paperback, there is no ebook version.

  44. briday0508 says:

    Healthcare ethics: principles and problems (custom) 2nd edition
    Author: Baillie
    ISBN: 9781323632185

    1. This book is only available in paperback, there is no ebook version

  45. briday0508 says:

    Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (Custom) 2nd ed
    Author: Spector
    ISBN: 9781323795040

  46. pathoma 2017 or 2018 pdf?

    1. This book is only available in paperback version, there is no official PDF released.

  47. Hi,

    Can you make this book available ISBN-10: 0323478727


    1. This book hasn’t released yet.

    1. This book is only available in paperback version, there is no ebook format.

  48. ramesh5889 says:

    Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice 6thedition pdf

    1. It seems there is no ebook version till now.

  49. Hi,

    Can you make this ebook (ISBN 9781626239135) available ?


  50. Hi,

    Can you please find ISBN 1451192754 ebook.

    Thank You

  51. Hi,

    Sent a gift card for Access Medicine account,please register and get back
    as soon as possible,thanks.


    1. We sent the information of account via your email. Please check again your email!

  52. caluca1987 says:

    Greetings, I have send you a 400$ gift card and I do not get the points yet. I wrote you an email too. How long will it take to get the points into my account?

    1. The points have been added to your account. Thanks for your supporting us!

    1. Sorry we don’t have now.

  53. Hi,

    Request for Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology ISBN-13: 978-0702071546


  54. Hello,

    Any chance that you can get this book set for me? PDF or Epub, it does not matter.

    Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States 10th Edition by Tommie L. Norris (Author), Rupa Lalchandani (Author, Editor)

    Thank you,


    1. This ebook hasn’t published yet.

  55. Hello,
    Any chance that you can get any or all these books for me? PDF or Epub, it does not matter.

    Blueprints Family Medicine (Blueprints Series) 4th Edition, Kindle Edition
    by Mitchell King (Author), Martin Lipsky (Author)

    Blueprints Pediatrics (Blueprints Series) Seventh Edition
    by Bradley Marino M.D. (Author)

    Nursing Documentation Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series®) Fifth Edition
    by LWW (Author)

    First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2019, Twenty-ninth edition 29th Edition
    by Tao Le (Author), Vikas Bhushan (Author)

    First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, Tenth Edition 10th Edition
    by Tao Le (Author), Vikas Bhushan (Author)

    Role Development for the Nurse Practitioner 2nd Edition
    by Julie G. Stewart (Author), Susan M. DeNisco (Author)

    Acute Medicine: A Symptom-Based Approach 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
    by Stephen Haydock (Editor), Duncan Whitehead (Editor), Zoë Fritz (Editor)

    Thank you,

  56. ramesh5889 says:

    stanfordguide to antimicrobial theraphy 201 8 version ebook

    1. There is no ebook format for this book!

  57. Beckmann and ling’s obstetrics and gynecology

  58. Bailey & Love’s Essential Clinical Anatomy
    Nelson Pediatrics Board Review: Certification and Recertification

  59. Hi, I am looking for Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 7th ed. Authors: Carl A. Burtis & David E. Bruns.

  60. Hello,
    Any chance that you can get any of these books for me? PDF or Epub, it does not matter.

    Internship Survival Guide Fifth Edition by Dr. Thomas M De Fer M.D. FACP (Author)

    Instant Work-ups: A Clinical Guide to Obstetric and Gynecologic Care (Instant Workups) by Theodore X. O’Connell, Kathleen Dor

    Instant Work-ups: A Clinical Guide to Pediatrics (Instant Workups) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
    by Theodore X. O’Connell (Author), Jonathan M. Wong (Author), Kevin M. Haggerty (Author), Timothy J. Horita (Author)

    Thank you,

  61. Hi,

    Request for Principles of Rubin’s Pathology 7th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1496350329.

    Thank You

  62. can you please get new England journal of medicine qbank called “knowledge plus” for the abim?

  63. ramesh5889 says:

    stanford guide to antimicrobial latest edition

    1. This book have no ebook format.

    1. Sorry we don’t have.

  64. Hi,

    Request for The Big Picture: Gross Anatomy, Medical Course & Step 1 Review, Second Edition 2nd Edition
    ISBN-13: 978-1259862632.


  65. Hi,

    Request for Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology Examination and Board Review,12th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1259641022


  66. Portal Hypertension: Pathogenesis and Management
    By Almed Helmy

    1. This book is only available in paperback, there is no ebook format.

  67. Looking for Histology for Pathologists, 4th Ed. Ed: Stacy E Mills.

  68. mariabrahams says:

    Hi, there are several new courses on Medmastery.
    Will you add them ?

    1. We will add them in the future.

  69. Thanks,can you please give a discount of 50 points for this Book.

    1. Hi, this ebook is very cheap on amazon already, you can buy directly from amazon also.

    1. Unfortunately, this book is not available as ebook. Only paperback version is available.

  70. Diagnostic Hematology A Pattern Approach by Doyen Nguyen and Lawrence Diamond

    1. This book is only available in paperback version.

    1. It’s not available now for us.

    1. It hasn’t been available for us yet now.

    1. This book is only available as paperback version, there is no ebook format!

  71. Psikiyatrinotlari says:
    1. Please check again your email, we sent you list of titles are available for us.

      1. Chalkster1 says:

        Thank you so much!!

    1. This ebook is not available for us to purchase.

      1. Diana Rodgers says:

        Can please check my request ?

        1. It’s not available for us now.

          1. Diana Rodgers says:


  72. Hi,

    Request for First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 1, Fourth Edition ISBN-13: 978-1260143133.


      1. Thanks a lot will pay my points 🙂 🙂

    1. This ebook is available as EPUB now, do you need the EPUB ?

        1. We messaged you via your email!

    1. This book is not available for us.

    1. This book is only available as paperback version, there is no ebook available.

    1. This book doesn’t have ebook version, only paperback version

  73. thanks a lot you are genuine and amazing

  74. Dear admin

    Please provide First Aid – USMLE Step 1 2019, Thanks in advance.

    1. This book is only available in paperback version, there is no ebook format.

  75. Dear Medsouls

    Please provide us the Kaplan usmle lecture notes step 1 2019 (Biochemistry – Microbiology and Immunology)

  76. Request for Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Medical Microbiology and Immunology Q&A
    ISBN 9781626233829,thanks.

    1. This book is not available for us dear friend.

    1. It’s not available for us now.

  77. briday0508 says:


    Do you have any of the following books?

    Hinojosa. J. & Kramer, P. (2014). Evaluation in Occupational Therapy: Obtaining and Interpreting
    Data (4th ed.). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press. ISBN: 978‐1569003565

    Reed (2013). Quick Reference to Occupational Therapy (3rd ed.) Austin, TX: PRO‐ED, Incorporated.
    ISBN: 978‐1416405450

    Shumway‐Cook, A. (2016). Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice, (5th ed).
    Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 9781496302632

    Thank you.

  78. briday0508 says:


    Do you have the following ebooks?

    Cole, M. (2018). Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy: The Theoretical Basis and Practice Application of Group Treatment (5th ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc. ISBN: 9781630913670

    Gateley, C.A. & Borcherding, S. (2017). Documentation manual for occupational therapy: Writing SOAP notes (4th ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc. ISBN: 978-1630912314

    Taylor, R.R. (2008). The Intentional Relationship: Occupational Therapy & Use of Self (1st ed.). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis. ISBN: 978-0803613652

    1. briday0508 says:

      I have found the other two so I actually just need the book below.

      Gateley, C.A. & Borcherding, S. (2017). Documentation manual for occupational therapy: Writing SOAP notes (4th ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc. ISBN: 978-1630912314

      1. This book is not available as ebook format.

      1. Is it possible to get it in an original publisher PDF?

        1. Only EPUB version is available now.

  79. Hi, do you have Current Surgical Therapy 12th edition?

  80. Hello, can you get Sketchy IM (USMLE 2).
    Thank You

  81. Psikiyatrinotlari says:
  82. ISBN 9781119072928

    Hi, do you have the above book on evidence based obstetrics and gynaecology?

  83. Hi
    Any chance you’ll upload Sketchy IM?

    Thank you

      1. We don’t have it now, if we have it in the future, we will post it, don’t worry.

  84. ramesh5889 says:

    Portal Hypertension – ECAB Kindle Edition

  85. Good afternoon, how are you?
    I bought several points, I wanted the release so I could study as soon as possible.
    Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your supporting. We added points to your account already.

    2. Please check email and reply to us.

    1. Hi it’s not available for us now, we will post it as soon as it is available for us.

  86. ramesh5889 says:

    Complex Trauma Management of the Upper Extremity, An Issue of Hand Clinics, Volume 35-1
    1st Edition

  87. Hi,

    Request for BRS Gross Anatomy ISBN-13: 978-1496385277.


    1. It’s not available for us!

  88. HI
    please do you have : The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine (The European Society of Cardiology Series) 3rd ?

    1. This book seems only available as paperback version only, there is no ebook version available.

    1. This is not available as ebook to buy on amazon.

    1. They are only available as EPUB version. If you need, confirm to let us know.

    1. Could you tell us more clearly what you mean ?

  89. Above 2 Epub books each how many points for download ?

  90. Saikat Ghosh says:

    Instant Neurological Diagnosis: A Companion to Neurobowl 2016

    1. This book seems not available as ebook format!

  91. Request for Blueprints Psychiatry ISBN : 9781496381347 Michael Murphy M.D.


    Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7e (Netter Basic Science)

    1. Sorry this is not available for us. You can buy it directly on amazon, it’s cheap price already.

  93. ramesh5889 says:


    1. Sorry it’s not available for us!

  94. Hello,

    Any chance that you will get Epocrates as an online subscription?

    Thank you,

    1. Sorry we don’t have that.

    The Renal Drug Handbook: The Ultimate Prescribing Guide for Renal Practitioners 5th Edition
    by Caroline Ashley (Editor), Aileen Dunleavy (Editor), John, Sir Cunningham (Foreword)


    1. Those books seems have no ebook format.

  96. why there’s no replay to my comment ?

    1. About your ebook requested, please wait for some days, we’re processing to get

  97. Hi,

    Do you have this book?
    An atlas of hair pathology with clinical correlations

  98. Do you have UWISE question bank for OB GYN clerkship?

    1. Sorry we don’t have now

  99. Hi. Do you have this book?
    Cancer Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Biotherapy
    Bruce A. Chabner ISBN 978-1496375148

    1. Please check your email and feedback to us.

  100. briday0508 says:


    Lifestyle Redesign by Florence A. Clark
    ISBN-13: 978-1569003596
    ISBN-10: 1569003599

    1. This book have no ebook format.

  101. Saikat Ghosh says:

    Mosby’s Color Atlas & Text of Infectious Diseases,Would you pls upload this book.

    1. This book have no ebook format.

  102. I’ve just bought points via Amazon eGift cards. I wanted the release so I could study as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

      1. Chalkster1 says:

        Thank you so much Admin!

  103. briday0508 says:


    Boyt Schell, Gillen & Scaffa (Ed.). (2014). Willard & Spackman’s Occupational Therapy (12th ed).
    Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 9781451110807

  104. ramirezand091 says:

    Is it possible to get the pass machine general surgery certifying review?

    1. This have no ebook format.

      1. Thanks for the quick reply

  105. Request: The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 3rd editon

    1. This book is only available in paperback, there is no ebook format

  106. DeMyer’s The Neurologic Examination: A Programmed Text, Seventh Edition 7th Edition
    Topical Diagnosis in Neurology: Anatomy, Physiology, Signs, Symptoms 6th Edition

    is it possible to get original pdf’s for these rather than epub?

  107. Clinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Echocardiography, 3/e
    Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 3 edition (January 9, 2019)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0071830235
    ISBN-13: 978-0071830232

    Hensley’s Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia 6th Edition
    EPUB/Retail PDF
    Publisher: LWW; Sixth edition (September 29, 2018)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 9781496372666
    ISBN-13: 978-1496372666

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  108. ni8crawler says:

    Neurological Differential Diagnosis 2nd Edition by John P. Patten original pdf (not epub) please

    1. There is no ebook format for this.

      1. That’s not available for us, sorry.

  109. Hello, I couple of requests please.

    Richard Mac DeMay, MD. The Book of Cells: A Breviary of Cytopathology. ISBN: 978-089189-6418

    The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology, 2nd Ed. Editors: Ali, Syed Z; Cibas, Edmund S. ISBN-13: 978-3319605692 ISBN-10: 3319605690

  110. myocard77 says:

    Could you find this book?

    Long Cases in Clinical Medicine (PDF)


    by H. N. Sarker (Author)

    Product Details

    Paperback: 406 pages
    Publisher: Elsevier India, 6th November 2017
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 8131250288
    eISBN: 978-8131250297
    ISBN-13: 978-813125028

  111. I’ve just bought points via Amazon eGift cards. I wanted the release so I could study as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  112. Admin,

    I’ve just bought points via Amazon eGift cards. Please could you make available my points, I need to download the videos asap.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  113. Dear Admin,
    I’ve just bought points via Amazon eGift cards. I wanted the release so I could study as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  114. sent $20, kindly credit account.

    1. ISBN-13: 978-1259860829 or ISBN-10: 1259860825
    2. ISBN-13: 978-0323354783 or ISBN-10: 0323354785
    3. Textbook of Urgent Care Medicine by John Shufeldt, Lee Resnick

    1. We haven’t received your $20. You pay for us via paypal or eGift cards ?

  115. briday0508 says:

    Hello, I am requesting the following:

    Scaffa, M.E. & Reitz, S.M. (2014). Occupational Therapy in Community-Based Practice
    Settings (2nd Ed). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis Company.
    o ISBN:978-0803625808

    Asher, I.E. (2014). Occupational therapy assessment tools: An annotated index (4th ed.).
    Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
    o ISBN: 978-1569003534

    Case-Smith, J. & O’Brien, J.C. (2014). Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents
    (7th Ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
    o ISBN 978-0323169257

    1. briday0508 says:


      Do you have these ebooks I am requesting?

  116. briday0508 says:

    Hello, I am also requesting the following:

    Quick Reference to Occupational Therapy–Third Edition E-Book
    Kathlyn L. Reed
    Product Number:13828

    1. Not available dear friend

  117. Rahmatulla says:

    Dear Admin,

    I’ve just bought BMJ Practise
    Could you please let me know the status of it

    1. The account has been sent to your email. Please check.

  118. Greetings! I have a request:

    Operative Techniques in Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery 1st Edition

    1. Greetings! Any update on the request? Thanks!

  119. Good afternoon, how are you?
    I bought points today, I wanted the release so I could study as soon as possible.
    Thank you.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Thanks for your supporting us.

  120. Hello!
    All the Sketchy videos are gone..
    Any plans to upload in the future?

    1. Please check your email and feedback to us.

  121. saltandspice says:

    REQUEST: Digital Histology 2nd Ed. By Alice S. Pakurar, John W. Bigbee

    1. saltandspice says:

      Were you able to find this text?

      1. Hi this book have no ebook format.

  122. REQUEST: The Essential Guide to Primary Care Procedures 2nd Edition by Mayeaux Jr MD, E. J.

  123. points bought. Pls update asap so I can start to study. Thank you.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  124. madanmbbssmc says:

    points bought. Pls update asap so I can start to study. Thank you.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  125. yml251312 says:

    Stoller’s Atlas of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
    By Stoller MD FACR, David W.

    1. This book is not available as ebook format.

  126. Points bought. Please update so I can start to study. Thank you.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  127. Saikat Ghosh says:

    Where is my 140 points ?????????

    1. Please check your email and feedback to us.

  128. Sent 100$ please apply points.

    1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  129. do you still offer usmle-easy subscription?

    1. Sorry at the moment, we don’t offer that.

  130. I sent an amazon gift card for $35; can you please credit my account? Thanks!

    1. Please check your email and feedback to us.

      1. Info sent. Please post points when able. Thanks again.

        1. The points have been added to your account. Enjoy!

  131. Any links for the new 43rd Annual Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, also known as Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital Board Review ?

    Thank you

  132. Dr_hamudy says:

    I wonder if you can provide me with Myo clinic internal medicine board Review I have the 10th edition and I am looking for the 12th edition, it is only Q and A book not a full textbook

    1. Could you give us the amazon link of the ebook you requested ?

  133. hi I bought some points on PayPal. When will I see my points?
    I wrote an email thanks

    1. The points have been added to your account. Thanks for your supporting us.

  134. need
    Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 13th e
    by Karen C Timberlake (Author)

  135. The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry 7th Edition

    1. This is not available for us

  136. Saikat Ghosh says:

    The Little Black Book of Neurology: Mobile Medicine Series 6e,pls…

  137. Chalkster1 says:

    Hi Admin,

    I noticed you have the 2018 version, but wondering if you had 2020 version of this;

    2020 Computed Tomography: National Symposium – A Video CME Teaching Activity.

    Thank you in advance!

    1. We messaged you via your email. Please check.

    1. Please check your email and feedback to us.

    1. Sorry it’s not available for us.

    1. We replied for you via your email.

  138. Request
    Briggs Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation
    A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk 12Ed
    Author(s): Gerald G. Briggs BPharm, FCCP, Roger K. Freeman MD, Craig V Towers , Alicia B. Forinash

    1. This is not avalable as ebook format

  139. Any chance for accesspediatric account like accessmedicine?

      1. Sorabader says:

        Only regarding

        1. Please check your email and reply!

  140. Willing to pay. I am looking for the copy of “Policies and Procedures for Infusion Nursing” by Infusion Nurses Society that was the most recent edition in March 2019. I am willing to pay.

    1. This is not available as ebook format.

  141. Sunderland says:

    Can I get epub or pdf copy of the following books:

    Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick (Incredibly Easy! Series)
    ISBN: 1496372786
    Edition: 3rd
    Year: 2017

    Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series)
    ISBN: 9781496355010
    Edition: 5th
    Year: 2017

    Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series)
    ISBN: 1975125061
    Edition: 7th
    Year: 2019

    Nutrition Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series)
    ISBN: 1582555214
    Edition: 2nd
    Year: 2006

  142. canada124italys33 says:

    Thank you.

    I bought points and waiting for them to be generated.

    Could you also please advise if the below books could also become available?

    Many thanks

    Nutrition Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series)
    ISBN: 1582555214
    Edition: 2nd
    Year: 2006

    Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick (Incredibly Easy! Series)
    ISBN: 1496372786
    Edition: 3rd
    Year: 2017

    1. Sorry those are not available as ebook format for us.

    1. This is not available for us.

    1. It’s 7th. Please download again.

  143. canada124italys33 says:
    1. We sent email to you, please check and feedback.

  144. Sunderland says:

    Could we find the following:

    Book – ER Facts Made Incredibly Quick (2nd edition)
    Year – 2018
    ISBN – 1496363639

    Book – Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick (3rd edition)
    Year – 2017
    ISBN – 1496372786

    Book – Wound Care Facts Made Incredibly Quick
    Year – 2017
    ISBN – 1496367871

    Book – Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual
    Year – 2016
    ISBN – 1496321677

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