Uworld USMLE Step 3 CCS 2018
The Step 3 Computer-based Case Simulations (Step 3 CCS) are an integral part of the exam and are designed to evaluate your ability to diagnose, treat, and monitor simulated patients in an interactive setting. A familiarity with the interface is crucial to help you improve your score on this section of the exam. Review with the first and only interactive Step 3 CCS software.
Product Details
- Official Price: $100.
- Points to Download: 300 Points
- Format: PDF files.
- File Size: 40.0 MB.
- Download Link Below.
Download Link:
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The Step 3 Computer-based Case Simulations (Step 3 CCS) are an integral part of the exam and are designed to evaluate your ability to diagnose, treat, and monitor simulated patients in an interactive setting. A familiarity with the interface is crucial to help you improve your score on this section of the exam. Review with the first and only interactive Step 3 CCS software.
- Read through 40+ classic Step 3 CCS cases that cover high-yield topics in multiple specialties
- Practice using 50+ interactive cases in an interface that closely mimic the cases you are likely to see on the actual exam
- Boost your confidence on exam day with an interface that uses free-text order entry features similar to those on the official exam
- Assess your understanding with comprehensive explanations that include tips on the recommended clinical approach, optimal scoring features, and clock management
Is it just pdf or comes with an interface to practice as in uworld?
It’s the PDF dear friend