Ultimate Review for the Neurology Boards, 1e (Original Publisher PDF)

Ultimate Review for the Neurology Boards, 1e

by Alexander Rae-Grant MD, Seby John MD, John Morren MD, Dr. Hubert Fernandez MD

Product Details:

  • Paperback: 672 pages
  • Publisher: Demos Medical; 3 edition (June 13, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1620700816
  • ISBN-13: 978-1620700815
  • Amazon Price: $95.00
  • Points to download: 100 Points
  • Format: Original Publisher PDF
  • File Size: 22.3 MB
  • Download link below.

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Now in its third edition, Ultimate Review for the Neurology Boards is the definitive study guide for anyone preparing for the neurology board exam, RITE, or MOC exam. Compiled by nearly two dozen contributors and edited by four leading neurologists from the Cleveland Clinic, this comprehensive point form review presents thelatest research, data, and knowledge on all aspects of neurology that you need to know to succeed on these exams. The book is organized into five sections for easy access and concludes with a practice test. The first section covers basic neurosciences, including neurochemistry, clinical neuroanatomy, andgenetics. The next section discusses clinical neurology, with chapters devoted to the major diseases and disorders including stroke, head trauma, dementia,epilepsy, and movement disorders, among others. In the third section, NCS, EMG, EEG, evoked potentials, and sleep neurology are covered, with images to enhance understanding of fundamental neurophysiologic techniques. After a dedicated chapter on pediatric neurology, the final section contains nine chapters on subspecialties, including neurorehabilitation, adult and child psychiatry, neurourology, neuro-oncology, and more. Each chapter has been fully reviewed, revised, and updated to reflect current knowledge and practice and presents the information in an outline format, ideal for test preparation. Crucial topics and high-yield data are highlighted in bold or italic for maximal retention. With several new features, such assuggested readings and a cheat sheet at the end of each chapter, this third edition of Ultimate Review for the Neurology Boards is essential reading for anyone taking the neurology boards or MOC exam. The Revised Third Edition Features: A completely revised and expanded practice test with all new questions NB (nota bene) items, which highlight key points to remember for the exams A “Cheat Sheet” in each chapter, with quick pearls, mnemonics, and definitions Suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter

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