Surgical Critical Care Online Review 2018
The Osler Institute
Product Details
- Official Price: $716.
- Points to Download: 1300 Points
- Format: 27 Video Files (.mp4 format) + PDF files.
- File Size: 4.75 GB.
- Download Link Below.
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At the conclusion of this course each participant will be able to:
- Summarize the principles of comprehensive care for the critically ill patient – both surgical and non-surgical
- Describe preoperative, operative and postoperative management of patients with multi- system illnesses including the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrinologic, renal, hepato- biliary and hematologic systems
- Demonstrate an understanding of traumatic injuries for all major organ systems
- Discuss life-threatening pediatric conditions and the special issues involved in the management of critically ill pediatric patients
- Discuss the leadership skills necessary to direct multi-disciplinary coordinated care of the critically ill patient
Accreditation Statement:
The Osler Institute is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Designation Statement:
The Osler Institute designates this Enduring Material for a maximum of 24 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Of the AMA PRA Category, 1 Credits™ listed above, a maximum of 24 credits meet the requirements for Self-Assessment.
Release Date: December 10, 2018
Expiration Date: December 9, 2021
Estimated Time to Complete: 24 hours
Required Physician Participation:
Review the audio/video lectures at your own pace. To claim CME credit, Learners must successfully complete a self-assessment post-test (score of 75% or greater is required) and activity evaluation to test knowledge gained and its application to your practice. You may take the test and utilize the accompanying syllabus by accessing the links provided. More than one test attempt is allowed and feedback is provided.
Faculty, Planner, and Reviewer Disclosure Declaration
In compliance with the Standards, Guidelines, and Ethical opinions of the ACCME, AAMC and AMA, The Osler Institute requires that anyone with input into the planning or presentation of Continuing Medical Education activities provided or jointly-provided by The Osler Institute must disclose to the program audience any relevant financial relationships with companies or organizations about whose products or services they are discussing in their presentations.
01. Intro
02. Head and Neck Trauma
03. Thoracic Trauma
04. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Principles
05.Fluids, Electrolytes and Acid-Base
06. Oxygen Transport and Ventilators Management
07. Renal Physiology and Chronic Renal Failure
08. SIRS, MODS and Sepsis Standard of Care
09. Questions, and Answers 1
10. Critical Care Cases 1
11. Critical Care Cases 2
12. ARDS and Respiratory Failure
13. Hemodynamic Assessment
14. Metabolism and Nutrition
15. Neurosurgical Critical Care
16. Anesthetic Complications and Pain Management
17. Pediatric Trauma and Critical Care
18. Endocrine Emergencies
19. Acute Abdomen
20. Gastrointestinal Bleeding & Intra-Abdominal Problems in the ICU
21. Cardiac Surgery
22. Oncologic Emergencies and Tumor Lysis
23. Special Surgical Complications
24. Thermal Injuries from Heat and Cold
25. Abdominal and Pelvic Trauma I
26. Ethical and Legal Issues
27. Questions and Answers