Musculoskeletal Imaging in Clinical Practice 2016 (Videos)

Musculoskeletal Imaging in Clinical Practice 2016

The focus of this activity is a review of clinical applications concerning the diagnosis, treatment and management of the musculoskeletal disorders. Emphasis is placed on imaging techniques and image interpretation in musculoskeletal injuries and pathology. Attention is placed on modern imaging and surgical correlation while stressing the need for intra-disciplinary teamwork when deciding the most effective patient management.

Product Details

  • Official Price: $1095.
  • Points to Download: 1100 Points
  • Format: 32 Video Files (.mp4 format).
  • File Size: 3.19 GB.
  • Download Link Below.

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Target Audience 

This CME activity is designed to educate diagnostic imaging physicians who supervise and interpret musculoskeletal MRI and ultrasound studies. In addition, referring physicians who order musculoskeletal MRI and ultrasound studies should gain an appreciation of the strengths and limitations of these types of procedures.


Physicians: Educational Symposia is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Educational Symposia designates this enduring material for a maximum of 16.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Credits awarded for these enduring activities are designated “SA-CME” by the American Board of Radiology (ABR) and qualify toward fulfilling requirements for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Part II: Lifelong Learning and Self-assessment.
All CME course participants are required to pass a written or online test with a minimum score of 70% in order to be awarded credit. (Exam materials, if ordered, will be sent with your CME order.) All CME course participants will also have the opportunity to critically evaluate the program as it relates to practice relevance and educational objectives.

AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM for these programs may be claimed until February 28, 2019.
This CME activity was planned and produced by Educational Symposia, the leader in diagnostic imaging education since 1975.
This CME activity was planned and produced in accordance with the ACCME Essential Areas and Elements.

Educational Objectives

At the completion of this CME activity, subscribers should be able to:

  • Incorporate state of the art imaging protocols to accurately assess musculoskeletal pathology and injury.
  • Assess patients with joint pathology in a non-invasive manner utilizing Ultrasound and MRI.
  • Recognize the strengths and limitations of Ultrasound and MRI for the management of sports related injuries.
  • Describe the MR appearance of musculoskeletal injury, arthritis and neoplasia, and differentiate this pathology from other causes of abnormal signal.
  • Demonstrate an increased knowledge of the impact MR imaging has on patient management.
  • Discuss the utility of musculoskeletal ultrasound for diagnosis and direction of treatment of musculoskeletal pathology.

No special educational preparation is required for this CME activity


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