Product Details:
- Title: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology Examination and Board Review,12e
- Author(s): Anthony J. Trevor; Bertram G. Katzung; Marieke Knuidering-Hall
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical
- Print ISBN: 9781259641022, 1259641023
- eText ISBN: 9781259641015, 1259641015
- Edition: 12th
- Publication year: 2019
- Publisher Price: $54.0
- Points to download: 100 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 72.7 MB
- Download link below.
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SCORE YOUR HIGHEST ON MEDICAL PHARMACOLOGY COURSE AND BOARD EXAMS WITH THE WORLD’S BESTSELLING PHARMACOLOGY REVIEW BOOK! From the authors of the field’s most trusted textbook, Katzung & Trevor’s Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, this full-color resource delivers a clear, concise review of fundamental concepts, backed by more than 800 questions and answers. The chapter-based approach facilitates use with course notes or larger texts. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO EXCEL: •Concise discussion of the major concepts that underlie basic principles or specific drug groups in every chapter •Full-color tables and figures (many new to this edition) •Review questions followed by answers and explanations •Two comprehensive 100-question practice exams, followed by answer keys and explanations for correct answers •Diagrams that visually organize drug groups and concepts •A list of high-yield terms and definitions you must know •Skill Keeper Questions that prompt you to go back and review previous material to understand the link between topics •A checklist of tasks you should be able to perform upon completion of the chapter •Summary Tables that list the important drugs and include key information about their mechanism of action and effects, clinical uses, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, and toxicities •An Appendix of test taking strategies for the highest score possible