Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, 5e (Original Publisher PDF)

Product Details:

  • Title: Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, 5e
  • Author(s): Marie A. Chisholm-Burns; Terry L. Schwinghammer; Patrick M. Malone; Jill M. Kolesar; Kelly C. Lee; P
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical
  • Print ISBN: 9781260019445, 1260019446
  • eText ISBN: 9781260019452, 1260019454
  • Edition: 5th
  • Publication year: 2019
  • Publisher Price: $220.0
  • Points to download: 250 Points
  • Format: Original Publisher PDF
  • File Size: 50.1 MB
  • Download link below.

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The unique orientation to pharmacotherapy found in the landmark Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach distilled to a concise clinically focused full-color resource Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice, Fifth Edition uses a solid evidence-based approach to teach readers how to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate medication therapy. This trusted text provides everything readers need to gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles of the pharmacotherapy of disease―and their practical application. In order to be as clinically relevant as possible, the disease states and treatments discussed focus on disorders most often seen in clinical practice, and laboratory values are expressed as both conventional units and SI units. Importantly, all chapters were written or reviewed by pharmacists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians widely recognized as authorities in their fields. The Fifth Edition begins with an insightful introductory chapter, followed by chapters on geriatrics, pediatrics, and palliative care. Each of the subsequent 98 disease-based chapters cover disease epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnosis, nonpharmacologic therapy, followed by therapeutic recommendations for medication selection, desired outcomes, dosing, and patient monitoring. Features: •The acclaimed patient encounter cases sharpen critical thinking skills and lend clinical relevance to scientific principles •Chapter-opening structured learning objectives enable you to rapidly locate related content •Icon-identified key concepts highlight the disease, patient assessment, and treatment •A newly designed patient care process section models the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process •Up-to-date literature citations support treatment recommendations •Tables, figures, algorithms, and defined medical abbreviations reinforce comprehension throughout •Includes valuable table of common laboratory tests and reference ranges250!hLwHUY5a!6XpCIqQhTknMYPc5I_vqN0JheeSXEuW-qitJQ-b2cOc

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