ACP Internal Medicine Meeting Pre-Courses 2019
This collection includes 8 full-day pre-courses and the corresponding reference material. Available in all formats—select the one that best suits you. Topics include: Advances in Therapy, Cardiology, Diabetes, Hospital Medicine, Neurology, Perioperative Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine.
Product Details
- Official Price: $599.
- Points to Download: 800 Points
- Format: 72 Video Files (.mp4 format).
- File Size: 5.31 GB.
- Download Link Below.
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- All 7 Pre-Courses – (6) Full Day and (1) Two Day
- Video MP4 Format – Audio of Presenter synced with PowerPoint slides
Pre-Courses Recorded: April 11-13, 2019
Ship Date: May 1, 2019.
Seven Pre-courses provide in-depth coverage of selected topics.
- Diabetes for the Internist (7 hours)
This Pre-Course will discuss the diagnosis of prediabetes and diabetes, including the increasingly recognized conditions of Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) and Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA). The risks and benefits of new insulin and noninsulin pharmacologic therapies will be presented. Faculty will review the role of lifestyle interventions as well as appropriate indications and practical utilization of weight loss medications and/or bariatric surgery in overweight patients with diabetes. - Perioperative Medicine 2019 (7 hours)
This Pre-Course will review the assessment and management of patients with medical comorbidities undergoing surgical procedures. Expert faculty will discuss hypotension, delirium, and pain management in the postanesthesia care unit. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in the postoperative period for patients with hereditary or acquired coagulation disorders, history of recurrent VTE, and aspirin dosing for VTE prophylaxis will be reviewed. Preoperative validated risk assessment tools, mitigation strategies for identified comorbidities, and management of postoperative complications will be emphasized. Topics will include perioperative medication management; cardiac, pulmonary, and frailty risk indices with modification strategies; postoperative cardiac complications; diabetes management using the target-specific anticoagulants; treating postoperative delirium; and challenging perioperative cases. - Advances in Therapy (7 hours)
This Pre-Course will focus on pearls to help the practicing internist to maximize the utility of drug therapies. Newer medications and new uses for older medications will be covered. Current recommendations for “best therapy” for different diseases will also be covered. Common side effects of medications will be emphasized. Faculty will provide practical information on therapy for psychiatric disease, diabetes, and infectious diseases; safe use of medications in the elderly; and drug interactions. - Cardiology for the Internist 2019: The Key Points (7 hours)
This Pre-Course will provide a focused update of the diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic approaches to the patient at risk for, or with known, cardiovascular disease. Expert clinician–educators will focus on the cardiovascular disease issues that internists most frequently encounter and will provide “Key Points” to update the audience and foster patient care. - The Hospitalist: A Day in the Life (7 hours)
This Pre-Course will follow one hospitalist through the course of a shift as they charge into the challenges of common and uncommon clinical conundrums, aggravating administrative assignments, and Byzantine bureaucratic barriers. The hospitalist on service will rely on the experience of other hospitalists and specialists from across the country, as well as the advice of the audience, to survive the shift. - Practical Office Orthopedics and Sports Medicine for the Internist (7 hours)
This Pre-Course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and tools needed to correctly evaluate, diagnose, and treat most orthopedic complaints seen in the internal medicine office. The Pre-Course will utilize a case-based approach to familiarize participants with basic joint and tendon anatomy and landmarks and make participants comfortable with performing a concise, targeted office exam. - Critical Care Medicine 2019 (14 hours)
This Pre-Course will provide the opportunity to understand the principles of diagnosis and management of common clinical problems and conditions encountered in the intensive care unit. Particular attention will be placed on the recognition of disease process, acute management of critical illness, and prevention of complications of critical illness in the critically ill adult patient.