2018 Clinical Compendium: Urology, 2e
The Audio Digest Learning Platform
Product Details
- Official Price: $1199.
- Points to Download: 1300 Points
- Format: 276 Audio Files (.mp3 format).
- File Size: 3.18 GB.
- Download Link Below.
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2018 Clinical Compendium: Urology 2nd Edition is a collection of hand-selected lectures in the Urology field. Clinical Compendium allows you unlimited access to 159 accredited lectures, presented by experts from the country’s leading medical institutions. Every lecture is accompanied by educational objectives, a written summary, and CME test questions. To make your access easy and efficient, we’ve grouped all these lectures into relevant clinical topics. Each topic is conveniently delivered in its own playlist to help you identify the content you are most interested in listening to at any time. CME credit is available for each lecture, with the potential to earn up to 155.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
The following topic-based playlists are included in your 2018 Clinical Compendium: Urology 2nd Edition, and can be accessed on your computer, tablet or on the new Audio Digest mobile app.
- Cancer Care
- Gastrointestinal Diseases
- Renal Diseases
- Men’s Health
- Pain Management
- Pediatric Urology
- Pelvic Floor Disorders
- Prostate Cancer
- Behavioral Health
- Geriatric Medicine
- Infectious Diseases
- Perioperative Management
- Practice Management
- Substance Abuse Disorders
- Urination Disorders
- Urologic Surgery
- Women’s Health
Urination disorders (6)
Urogenital cancers (58)
Urolithiasis (9)
Urologic surgery (42)
Cardiovascular diseases (6)
Digestive system diseases (27)
Ethics (6)
Female urogenital diseases (5)
Infectious diseases (10)
Male urogenital diseases (12)
Nervous system diseases (10)
Nutritional and metabolic disorders (4)
Pain management (11)
Pediatric urology (17)
Practice and risk management (10)
Psychobehavioral disorders (20)
Reproductive endocrinology (5)
Trauma and critical care medicine (9)
Urethral and urinary bladder diseases (9)