Spasticity: Diagnosis and Management, 1e
by Elie Elovic MD, Allison Brashear MD
Product Details:
- Hardcover: 448 pages
- Publisher: Demos Medical; 1 edition (August 31, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1933864516
- ISBN-13: 978-1933864518
- Amazon Price: $129.99
- Points to download: 130 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 11.3 MB
- Download link below.
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A Doody’s Core Title 2012 Spasticity: Diagnosis and Management is the first book solely dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of spasticity. This pioneering work defines spasticity in the broad context of Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome and focuses not on a single component, but on the entire constellation of conditions that make up the UMNS and often lead to disability.Spasticity: Diagnosis and Management clearly defines the process for the diagnosis of spasticity, the basic science behind its pathophysiology, the measurement tools used for evaluation, and reviews the available treatment options. Divided into five sections, this comprehensive clinical resource provides a roadmap for assessing the complicated picture of spasticity and choosing the appropriate interventions. Therapies including oral medications, intrathecal baclofen, botulinum toxin and phenol, and surgical options are thoroughly discussed, as are non-medical therapies and the role of the emerging technologies. The full spectrum of diseases involving spasticity in adults and children and the unique diagnostic and management challenges they present is addressed by experienced clinicians. This text is a one-stop source for physicians, therapists and other members of the spasticity management team tasked with the goal of improving patient care and outcomes. Special Features of Spasticity: Diagnosis and Management include In-depth coverage of diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes across multiple pathologies Tools and clinical measurements for patient assessment Treatment-focused chapters outlining current medical and other therapeutic options Illustrated review of limb anatomy Hands-on guidance to chemodenervation techniques with botulinum toxin and phenol, and ITB management Disease-based chapters devoted to the full range of clinical conditions involving spasticity in adults.and children Multidisciplinary perspective supporting a team approach to care