Practical Cardiac Electrophysiology, 1e (True PDF)

Practical Cardiac Electrophysiology, 1e

by Bhargava Kartikeya, Asirvatham Samuel J

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  • Amazon Price: $195.
  • Points to Download: 100 Points
  • Format: True PDF.
  • File Size: 89.8 MB.
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Author/Editor Bhargava Kartikeya, Asirvatham Samuel J
ISBN 9789386056795
Speciality Cardiology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/13028
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2017
Pages 762
Book Type Professional

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The aim of this book is to discuss the “Practical Cardiac Electrophysiology”. This textbook begins with a recognition that the basics of anatomy, physiology, biophysics, and electrocardiography require mastery before progress can be made. In addition, the focus on practical understanding and training the electrophysiologist’s mind to be able to apply these principles in real-time when confronted by challenging arrhythmias permeates the book. The book “Practical Cardiac Electrophysiology” not only covers the most current fashionable entities and procedural skills, but also covers the less glamorous but necessary areas such as sinus node function testing. This is not a “quick read” but individual chapters can be used as an excellent starting point for studying an area of interest for the electrophysiologist is they novice or more experienced. Extensive illustrations, case-based discussions, and brief summaries provided at the end of most chapters will provide a perspective on the topic covered in the chapter and guide the readers in applying this information in their daily work. “Practical Cardiac Electrophysiology” is largely clinically oriented and constitutes 47 chapters covering the spectrum of clinical diagnosis and management of arrhythmias, in and out of the electrophysiology laboratory.

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