Interventional Oncology, 4e
by Salomão Faintuch Page
Product Details:
- Hardcover: 218 pages
- Publisher: Thieme; 1 edition (January 4, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1626230811
- ISBN-13: 978-1626230811
- Amazon Price: $89.99
- Points to download: 90 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 8.5 MB
- Download link below.
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Interventional Oncology is a concise, practical guide to state-of-the-art, image-guided procedures that are among the most innovative and effective cancer treatment options available today. Each chapter is presented in a similar format that includes indications, contraindications, patient selection, pre-procedure workup, technique, post procedure management, and clinical data. This book is the perfect high-yield manual for practitioners to consult before seeing oncology patients, as well as for intra and post-procedure management.Key Features:High-quality color illustrations and multi-modality clinical imagesCovers all the latest interventional oncology proceduresChapter authors are leading authorities in the fieldTips and pearls at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive set of referencesThis book is an excellent clinical guide for seasoned interventional radiologists as well as trainees in interventional oncology to consult on a day-to-day basis.