How to Operate: for MRCS candidates and other surgical trainees
Matthew Stephenson
Product Details
- Official Price: $132.95.
- Points to Download: 300 Points
- Format: 49 Video Files.
- File Size: 16.47 GB.
- Download Link Below.
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A unique blend of integrated video and book content, How to Operate provides a comprehensive, multimedia training resource for medical students, junior doctors, MRCS candidates and surgeons in training.
The three DVDs present over 40 of the most common general, urological, ENT and orthopaedic surgical procedures, complete with step-by-step commentary from experienced surgical consultants. At key points during each procedure, the frame freezes so that anatomical structures and pathology are ‘drawn’ onto the frame for clarity and to reinforce learning.
The 10 hours of video is supported by an accompanying book containing an introduction to each procedure, a thorough explanation of the operation mirroring the video with relevant video stills, and bullet point summaries which can be used as OSCE-style checklists.
With a foreword by John Black, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, How to Operate is a truly comprehensive learning resource for all budding surgeons. All you need to become a surgeon is here – scalpel not included!
1 Inguinal Hernia Repair
2 Split Skin Graft
3 Femoral Hernia Repair
4 Incision and Drainage of Abscess
5 Wedge Resection for Ingrown Toenail
6 Paraumbilical and Umbilical Hernia Repair
7 Appendicectomy
8 Establishing a Pneumoperitoneum
9 Laparotomy
10 Long Saphenous Vein Stripping
11 Short Saphenous Vein Ligation
12 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
13 Below Knee Amputation
14 Carotid Endarterectomy
15 Temporal Artery Biopsy
16 Femorodistal Bypass
17 Brachiocephalic Fistula
18 Scrotal Exploration
19 Vasectomy
20 Circumcision
21 Nephrectomy
22 Dynamic Hip Screw
23 Hip Hemiarthroplasty
24 Carpal Tunnel Decompression
Upper Gastrointestinal
25 Gastrectomy
26 Splenectomy
27 Gastrojejunostomy
28 Open Cholecystectomy
29 Thoracotomy
30 Mastectomy,
31 Wide Local Excision
32 Axillary Node Clearance
33 Fibroadenoma
Ear, Nose and Throat
34 Thyroidectomy
35 Tracheostomy
36 Haemorrhoidectomy
37 Colostomy and Other Stomas
38 Small Bowel Resection and Anastomosis
39 Excision of Pilonidal Sinus
40 Right Hemicolectomy
41 Surgical Instruments
42 Sutures
43 Patient Safety and the WHO Surgical Checklist
44 Theatre Etiquette
45 How to Write the Operation Note
46 Consent