Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Practice: Expert Consult: Online and Print, 1e
by Jean Marc Canard MD, Jean-Christophe Letard MD, Laurent Palazzo MD, Ian D Penman BSc(Hons) MD FRCPE, Anne Marie Lennon MD MRCPI PhD
Product Details:
- Hardcover: 492 pages
- Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 1 edition (September 26, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0702031283
- ISBN-13: 978-0702031281
- Amazon Price: $274.00
- Points to download: 150 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 173.8 MB
- Download link below.
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Practical GI Endoscopy provides an illustrated concise guide to the use of endoscopy in the diagnosis and management of disorders in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. There is a clinical “hands on emphasis throughout with expert advice on the practical aspects of performing endoscopic techniques in both diagnosis and therapy, tips for avoiding complications and how best to deal with them if and when encountered. Written by the leading international names in gastrointestinal endoscopy, the text has been expertly edited into a succinct, instructive format. Presented in short paragraphs structured with headings, subheadings and bullet points and richly illustrated throughout with full-color photographs and line drawings the book will be an invaluable companion to the busy practicing gastroenterologist.Practical approach taken throughout, with step by step guides to performing procedures Clear algorithms included throughout to summarize the clinical decision making process. Detailed coverage of two specific procedures: endosonography and ERCP that provides an ideal resource for trainee and established endoscopists. Outstanding full color illustrations incorporated throughout. Provides an accurate visual guide to the endoscopic approaches and techniques under discussion World class team of international expert contributing authors from Europe and North America. Therapeutic options and preferred methods of treatment are drawn from all over the world and not just the US.Endosonography and ERCP Radiofrequency Ablation for early Barrett’s neoplasia Advanced imaging techniques: confocal endomicroscopy, autofluorescence, narrow band imaging, magnification endoscopy. Endoscopic mucosal resection techniques Small bowel endoscopy – capsule and enteroscopy Endoscopy and obesity