Product Details:
- Title: Diabetes Mellitus Manual, 1e
- Author(s): Sylvio Inzucchi
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical
- Print ISBN: 9780071431293, 0071431292
- eText ISBN: 9780071815987, 0071815988
- Edition: 1st
- Publication year: 2005
- Publisher Price: $81.0
- Points to download: 80 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 16.3 MB
- Download link below.
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A practical and authoritative manual on treating the rising numbers of cases of diabetes mellitus. Based on the most respected comprehensive textbook in the field, Ellenberg and Rifkin’s Diabetes Mellitus, and written by a leading expert, this portable guide provides quick-access to on-the-spot information on diagnosis and treatment of this frequently-presented disease and its complications.