Cytopathology Case Review, 1e
by Dr. Christopher J. VandenBussche MD PhD, Syed Z. Ali MD
Product Details:
- Paperback: 272 pages
- Publisher: Demos Medical; 1 edition (February 9, 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 162070059X
- ISBN-13: 978-1620700594
- Amazon Price: $97.99
- Points to download: 100 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 12.0 MB
- Download link below.
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Pathology residents, fellows, and practitioners will welcome this cytopathology review atlas of carefully selected case scenarios drawn from the Johns Hopkins case archive. Each illustrated case scenario contains multiple-choice questions along with detailed explanations and references in an ideal format for review or self assessment of diagnostic skills and decision making. Authored by distinguished faculty at John Hopkins University, the atlas covers all major topics within cytopathology. Each clinical case scenario includes representative images and clinical history, diagnostic question, and detailed discussion supported by thoughtfully selected key references. Cases are presented in random order to maximize their teaching and review value. Additionally, a case and topic index is included so that users can access the content by a specific topic or diagnosis. Key Features: Contains questions based on carefully selected, illustrated case scenarios drawn from the Johns Hopkins case archive Includes 125 multiple choice questions covering all major cytopathology topics with detailed explanations and references Facilitates board review and diagnostic problem-solving with 500 high-quality images Includes clinical and imaging correlations in case scenarios Provides access to questions in random order or by specific topic or diagnosis