Cutaneous Manifestations of Diabetes, 1e (True PDF)

Cutaneous Manifestations of Diabetes, 1e 

by Sabban Emilia Noemí Cohen

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Author/Editor Sabban Emilia Noemí Cohen
ISBN 9789352700394
Speciality Dermatology,Endocrinology and Metabolism
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/13050
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2017
Pages 240
Book Type Professional

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The aim of this book is to focus on the “Cutaneous Manifestations of Diabetes”. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats due to an absolute or relative deficiency of the secretion and/or insulin action. This book consists of 14 chapters that include introduction to cutaneous manifestations of diabetes mellitus, cutaneous barrier and diabetes, cutaneous markers of diabetes mellitus, skin-thickening syndrome, acanthosis nigricans and other cutaneous manifestations of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, cutaneous infections in diabetics, dermatoses most frequently related to diabetes, cutaneous manifestations induced by antidiabetic treatment, cutaneous manifestations due to vasculopathy, neuropathy and diabetic foot syndrome, diabetes, non-enzymatic glycation and aging, nail alterations in diabetic patients, ulcers and wound healing in diabetics, and multidisciplinary approach in managing wound healing. This book has been conceived as a compendium of skin manifestations that may arise in patients with diabetes. But it is also a call to professional reflection about the importance and impact of diabetes in its broad spectrum, from the pathophysiology of the skin to each of its components, including the appendages. Skin markers have also been described which alert us that there is something beyond what we see. The course culminates with the treatment and the problems induced by antidiabetic treatment, emphasizing the attention and the multidisciplinary approach and management.

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