Contexts of Nursing, 3e
by John Daly RN BA MEd(Hons) BHSc(N) PhD MACE AFACHSE FCN FRCNA, Sandra Speedy RN BA(Hons) DipEd MURP EdD MAPS FANZCMHN, Debra Jackson RN CommNursCert BHSc(Nurs) MNurs PhD
Product Details:
- Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 3 edition (October 30, 2009)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0729539253
- ISBN-13: 978-0729539258
- Amazon Price: $85.95
- Points to download: 80 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 3.7 MB
- Download link below.
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Contexts of Nursing 3e builds on the strengths of previous editions and continues to provide nursing students with comprehensive coverage of core ideas and perspectives underpinning the practice of nursing. The new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. New material on Cultural Awareness and Contemporary Approaches in Nursing has been introduced to reflect the realities of practice. Nursing themes are discussed from an Australian and New Zealand perspective and are supported by illustrated examples and evidence. Each chapter focuses on an area of study within the undergraduate nursing program and the new edition continues its discussions on history, culture, ethics, law, technology, and professional issues within the field of nursing. update and revised with strong contributions from a wide range of experienced educators from around Australia & New Zealand new Chapter 17 Becoming a Nurse Leader has been introduced into the third edition to highlight the ongoing need of management in practice Chapter 20 Cultural Awareness Nurses working with indigenous people is a new chapter which explores cultural awareness, safety and competence Chapter 22 Using informatics to expand awareness engages the reader on the benefits of using technology evidence-based approach is integrated throughout the text learning objectives, key words and reflective questions are included in all chapters