Clinical Neurology: A Primer, 1e
by Peter Gates MBBS FRACP
Product Details:
- Paperback: 450 pages
- Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 1 edition (August 29, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0729539350
- ISBN-13: 978-0729539357
- Amazon Price: $98.95
- Points to download: 100 Points
- Format: Original Publisher PDF
- File Size: 26.3 MB
- Download link below.
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This is a clinical neurology book for students and non neurologists, and for those who teach them. The book covers neuroanatomy, history taking and examination and then proceeds to discuss the clinical features of common problems as well as selected, less common neurological disorders, in a way that will demystify a part of medicine that many find complex and difficult to understand. The book is accompanied by a DVD explaining concepts, demonstrating techniques of performing the neurological examination and demonstration of abnormal neurological signs. NEW!! To access exclusive video lectures given by Professor Peter Gates, please visit For a free sample video, visit: Reviews of Clinical Neurology – “I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who’s looking for a book to introduce them to the field of neurology, and to anyone thats needs a quick refresher on neurological presentations. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, gained plenty of new information, and have developed new ways of accessing neurological presentations. Review by Kane Guthrie Google Preview “…we may be seeing the birth of a new classic educational and training neurology textbook. I recommend it highly. Review by Neil Scolding, Burden Professor of Clinical Neurosciences – “Dr Gates has somehow deconstructed what a neurologist does and laid this bare for us to see. The result is a text of enormous utility to medical students, postgraduate students and importantly teachers of those students Review by M. Leech – Internal Medicine Journal widely illustrated with case studies and illustrations key points clinical questions clinical orientation with comprehensive references