Product Details:
- Title: Appleton & Lange Outline Review for the Physician Assistant Examination, 2e
- Author(s): Albert F. Simon; Anthony A. Miller
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical
- Print ISBN: 9780071402897, 0071402896
- eText ISBN: 9780071811538, 0071811532
- Edition: 2nd
- Publication year: 2004
- Publisher Price: $77.0
- Points to download: 80 Points
- Format: EPUB
- File Size: 3.9 MB
- Download link below.
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Written by PAs for PAs, this best-selling review gives graduating PA students rapid access to the facts they need to study for the NCCPA PANCE certifying examination and PANRE recertifying examination. Features a review of essential exam topics, a concise overview of diseases, and an easy-to-follow outline format that follows the NCCPA exam format. Perfect for certification or recertification.